So last night Alex girl came round to visit Seb and she, Flex and I ordered burgers from Shakespeare's - YUM... well at 7.30 the doorbell went and Flex went and opened it and kept saying 'Oh $hit, 'Oh $hit, 'Oh $hit'... by now I am thinking we have naked Jehovah's Witnesses on the door step - BUT, when he opened the door wide and I spied my beloved gay husband Marcy Marc standing there - he flew in from England as a surprise to see me and meet Sebastian for a long weekend... Wonderful surprise. Only Alex girl and my Mum knew about the plan...
You know who your friends are from this kind of thing... 2 of my best friends, Marc and Lizzi, have flown in all the way from UK over the last 8 weeks to meet the baby - and friends from around the country have been in constant touch with love and advice - HOWEVER, people that live within miles of us never call or came round... interesting!
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago