Monday, March 9, 2009

okay so seb is 18 days old... it is just flying by - crazy... he is asleep in the boppy and i am catching up with computer time. alex had wicked flu - so i have been a single mum in a house with a hubby quaratined to his office and sleeping on the futon in there.

this a.m. was flex's first day back at work - i have showered, had oatmeal and hot chocolate and made spaghetti sauce for dinner with italian sausage and eggplant... what a morning...

mum had her hip replacement op last week so i am just waiting to hear from big sis so we can pick her up from rehab and take her home and have seb visit with her...

been a crazy time...

while lizzi was here we took seb on his first whole foods shopping expedition and for his first outing to siesta beach - complete with anna's sandwiches... YUM!

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