well here we are at labour and delivery.... came in for our stress test at 7.00 a.m. and the fluid had dropped from 10 on Saturday to 5 today and Dr. X had told me on Monday that if the fluid dropped below normal (8) then Teeny would have to be coerced... So far we just had the bag of waters broken - no pitocin or anything else... we are reassessing at 3.00 - it is 2.00 now... the nurses are awesome - totally cool with the birth plan and have me walking around... didn't make me do the IV when i said no... when i requested food they checked with Dr Y (Dr X's partner) and he said no reason not to so i had a fab veggie sandwich and apple and i am drinking water too...
they brought me a rocking chair and a birth ball so all ready with those and i keep talking to my doula every hour to see when i want her to come in.... the phone has run non-stop with the love of family and friends... am going to try and nap now before the 3.00 check...
only one negative - no cameras or video allowed during the birth - and I SOOO wanted to video it or at least photograph it and be able to see it myself later! :(
Alex is currently trying to hide the camera somewhere so he can sneakily turn it on when everything is happening... can you get thrown out of hospital - ha ha? :)
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
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