Tuesday, December 23, 2008

the cat...

Okay, so we have a beagle, Chiron, and a cat, Cleo. Cleo is a buff coloured tabby cat, found by Alex, weighing only 1lb and being buffeted by Tropical Storm Tammy and harassed by some hungry buzzards. Now maybe she never had a mama cat to teach her the way of the world of cat defication... who am I to say - and she is my first cat - so maybe they all do this?! Anyhow - she always walks with Chiron and myself on our morning walk... unless it is too cold for her Florida self.

Interestingly as time has gone on she uses her box less and less and actually waits until our morning walk to do her family business when Chiron does hers... if I don't jump out of bed the moment the alarm goes off she actually comes into the bedroom and meows until I get up while Chiron dances around in anticipation.

So on to the point of the story - under the trees on our walk when she is ready for action she digs herself a hole like a good cat - a very serious business as far as I can tell the way she gets into it. However, this is where it all seems to go wrong - she stand in the hole and does her business outside it - I always thought she should stand outside the hole and do her business in the hole... she does then spend some time covering everything back up. I believe this is backwards and just had to share my thoughts with the 2 of you readers... ha ha...

In other news - I saw my usual OB yesterday, Dr. Cohen, and he agrees that we are fine to go ahead and just be normal preggo people and go into labour when it happens and go for a non-c section delivery. Yahoo... he also has decided we are not going to do the non-stress tests they wanted to do as everything is going so well. He, like Dr. Baron, expressed his amazement at the way my uterus and body have just moved around and accommodated everything and at how I am just like a normal preggo woman. I mean I have 2 fibroids above my uterus that are several inches each - and one lower down that is 3-4" - and I am only 36 cm - 3 cm more than my gestation in weeks and no more uncomfortable than any of the other preggos I know... may this last for the next 7 weeks and may I not have jinxed myself with this post.

Feliz Navidad and a peaceful New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo! That's great news. And your cat is funny! Merry Christmas!
