Monday, January 26, 2009

did I mention I HATE raccoons?

So my life at 37.5 weeks preggo is about struggling to sleep longer than 45 minutes at a time... and Saturday I finally removed the beloved snoogle, that has served me well, from the bed and went to a foam side sleeper pillow and full size pillow between the legs... and found that I slept for 2 hour increments... Ahhh bliss...

So after a lovely dinner at Bern's Steakhouse last night to celebrate our 2nd anniversary, we get home and hit the sack - me thinking I had worked out the perfect pillow combination for a 38 week preggo woman's night of 'sleep'. All went went until 2.00 a.m. when Chiron the beagle shot out of his bed like a cannon and raced through the house with his blanket still on his back... so i jump out of bed and run through the house after him imagining projectile vomiting (did i mention our terrifying ordeal with him last week after peanut butter dog treats - uh yes that whole peanut butter salmonella thing hit our house like a ton of bricks - or lots of dog puke i should say)... anyhow - i realize he is at the door on guard - then Alex appears... and we hear what sounds like a raccoon convention outside...

So we all head back to bed and to peace and quiet for 10 mins... then a raccoon cacophony starts again and Chiron shoots out of bed again... get him back to bed and tell him to 'leave it' (our command for ignore noise, food, other dog, etc) at the next outbreak - so he dutifully sighs and goes to sleep and ignores the raccoons - soon both he and alex are snoring peacefully - while i lay awake from 2.16 a.m. until 4.23 a.m. listening to what sounds like 10,000 effing raccoons having a rave in the park behind our house...

So here i am at work... blogging and hating on raccoons - coz with 4.5 hours of sleep (once you add in the preggo pee trips and periods of wakefullness just to move from one hip to the other) I am not doing so well at working and concentrating!

1 comment:

  1. I love raccoons. And the idea of 10,000 raving raccoons in Arlington Park makes me giggle like a schoolgirl.
